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Life Survival Training We live it and teach it.
First Aid Courses
 Our instructors are fully certified and accredited examiners with the RTO's Survival it's Life, RLSSA and AREMT in:
Course Cost * Apply First Aid (HLT FA 301B) $125 * Remote area First Aid (HLTFA302A) POA * Anaphylaxsis (HLTFA402B) $400 per group * Resuscitation (CPR) (HLTCPR201A) and AED awarness $60 * Oxygen Resuscitation (SRXEMR003A) $90 * Oxygen Equipment (Advanced Resucitation) Course ID 3606 (VETAB) $110 * Defibrillation (AED) $POA * Administration of Analgeasia (HLTFA402B) $400 per group * Department of Education and $400 per group Training Emergency Care

Royal Life Saving Australia Courses Course Cost * Bronze Medallion $140 * Bronze Star $140 * Swim to Survive $ 20 min 20 students * Survival Challenge $ POA
Prices can change depending on class size. email for costs and information.
School Courses Including; *Survival awarness course *Swim testing *Swim to Survive *Department of Education, first Aid Courses
Please email us for all information and costs.
Survival Courses
COURSE COST Full cost of the Life Survival Training Course. $250 p.p This includes course instruction and handouts.
Included in the course are; * Use of 2 man tent [if required] and air bed, * A high powered LED torch (yours to keep), * Use of training facilities and resources, * Catering. * Course handouts.
Although this course is not physically demanding you will be living in a realistic survival situation. If you have any medical conditions (inc. allergies) or disability that would preclude you from sleeping in a tent, please talk to one of our Instructors about suitability and or alternative arrangements of the course for you.
Our course aim is for you to learn how to survive a disaster and have a great time with us.
BOOKING DEPOSIT A deposit of $100.00 and your enrollment form needs to be sent back to Life Survival Training when booking. This deposit is fully refundable if week-end is cancelled for reasons beyond our control. Not refundable for failure to attend. However, in exceptional circumstances your booking may be transferred to another course.
Balance of payment ($150) must be paid on arrival.
ARRIVAL TIME Arrival at Ernestville Station OConnell Saturday morning between 6:30am and 8:30am for registration and orientation. DEPART TIME Sunday between 3:00pm and 4.00pm
ACCOMMODATION 2 days & 1 night Accommodation is in tents provided by us or bring your own.
TRANSPORT: Your own transport to Ernestville, or transport from Bathurst airport or Bathurst railway station can be arranged.
MEALS Survival meals will be supplied and you will be instructed on the preparation of these meals. You will also be given the opportunity to practice your skills in preparing food and drinking water.
CLIMATE Elevation: 1000 meters. Elevation for camp site: 900 meters. A little colder than Sydney western suburbs, in winter average temp -2 to 16 degrees Milder than Sydney in summer average temp. 15 to 30 degrees You will need to bring:
1. Sleeping bag or linen & blankets. (-10 sleeping bag for winter is recommended and light weight sleeping bag for warmer seasons) 2. Towel. 3. Rain coat and warm jacket. 4. Two pairs of shoes. [Boots and/or joggers] 5. Toiletries. 6. Clothes according to the weather. (Always pack something warm as the weather can change.) 7. Beanie, scarf, gloves. (Winter) 8. Note pad, pens, led pencils, eraser. Course Enrollment Form
Please email for the date of the next course. DATE:...........................................
Course (circle): Survival Course First Aid Remote Area First Aid Resuscitation Advanced Resuscitation DET Emergency Care Oxygen Equipment Aquatic Survival Bronze Medallion Anaphylaxsis
Phone (H):
Email address:
Date of Birth:
.. Male or Female [please circle]
Please provide details of any medical or physical condition, including allergies:
Transport Details: [Please circle one]
Own transport Pick up from Bathurst airport TIME: ............................ Pick up from Bathurst railway station TIME: ............................
[You will need to let us know of your arrival time at either venue, so we can arrange pick up.]
Payment Details Life Survival Training BN98196680 [A division of Spunarp PTY. LTD. ABN 28 002 318 078]
I wish to pay by the following (Please circle one only) Cash Cheque/Money Order (made payable to Life Survival Training)
Directions to Ernestvile
Postal Address: Life Survival Training Processing 1835 OConnell Rd, OConnell NSW 2795Australia. Email address: info@lifesurvival.com.au 0447816107
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