Online OHS
Russell's new book, The A - Z Get Well Encyclopaedia of Natural Medicine is available direct from the publisher at a special price. The 388 page book is referenced and contains all the information you need on nutrition, vitamins and mineral, and an A-Z listing of common illnesses. Email Kingsclear Books for information and price .
Blackmores Ltd, The Best of Health
Glebe Healing Centre , one of the oldest natural therapy clinics in Australia. Established in 1987, this busy practice sees hundreds of clients per month and offers a large range of body, mind and ingestional modalities. Situated in Annandale, it is located one kilometre from the central business district.
Australian College of Traditional Medicine , The Australian College of Traditional Medicine was established some fifteen years ago to provide both interest courses and diploma training for people seeking a professional career or expanding their own areas of interests .